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Research Management Cell

Research Management Cell Guidelines


Research and Innovation (R&I) are the key activities leading to the knowledge generation that complement the teaching and learning activities in the higher education institutions (HEIs). Pokhara University has committed to spend approximately 3% of its operating budget to research and development during the period of the fifth strategic plan 2023-2028.

There is an increasing challenge in managing and maintaining the quality and integrity of academic research. It is urgent to institutionalize the academic research activities in every (constituent or affiliated) higher education institution (HEI) functioning under Pokhara University.

Realizing the urgent need to institutionalize the academic research and address the agenda framed in the National Education Policy 2076, Higher Education Policy 2072, and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2076 of the Government of Nepal, along with Pokhara University Act 2053, Pokhara University Fifth Strategic Plan 2023-2028, and Pokhara University Research Center Regulations 2059, Pokhara University has formulated “Research Management Cell Guidelines 2024” to promote and regulate research and innovation activities in the academic and research institutions of Pokhara University.


The objective of RMCG 2024 is to provide a general framework to regulate academic research and innovation activities conducted by the faculty members and students in the academic and research institutions of Pokhara University.

Roles and Responsibilities of Research Management Cell

  • Support, promote and plan Research and Innovation activities for faculty members, students, researchers, and staff of the institution.
  • Secure and mobilize the necessary budget for the proper functioning of RMC.
  • Organize trainings, workshops, seminars, and conferences regularly to strengthen research and innovation skills of the faculty members and students.
  • Explore opportunities to collaborate with national and international institutions.
  • Publish research and innovation bulletin covering the research and innovation activities in the institution, at least, annually.
  • Facilitate the publication of research articles and journals.
  • Submit annual review and planning report to PURC.
  • Liaise with PURC regarding the periodic inspections and promotion of Research and Innovation activities.
  • RMC shall be accountable to the respective institution on behalf of PURC and to PURC on behalf of the respective institution.
  • RMC shall conduct appropriate knowledge sharing programs for the local community engagement under the scheme of University Social Responsibility.
  • RMC shall follow the PURC regulations, procedures, and guidelines.